Dispozitive medicale


Afișez toate cele 28 de rezultate

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Cantar digital WS 50

Cantar digital WS 50, 1 bucata, Microlife

Vândut de:  Dr.Max
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Manseta tensiometru L

Manseta tensiometru L, 1 bucata, Microlife

Vândut de:  Dr.Max
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Mini irigator practic

Mini irigator practic, 125 ml, Mev Plastic

Vândut de:  Dr.Max
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Sterilet Copper T 380 A

Sterilet Copper T 380 A, 32mm, Rpc

Vândut de:  Dr.Max
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Stetoscop cu cap dublu

Stetoscop cu cap dublu, Romed

Vândut de:  Dr.Max
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Stetoscop ST-71

Stetoscop ST-71, 1 bucata, Microlife

Vândut de:  Dr.Max