Omnibiotic Hetox Light, 30 plicuri, Institut AllergoSan

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Comandă Omnibiotic Hetox Light, 30 plicuri, Institut AllergoSan de la farmacia Dr. Max.

Profită reduceri și preț mic la  Omnibiotic Hetox Light, 30 plicuri, Institut AllergoSan, numai la Dr. Max.

Supliment alimentar ce Include 8 tulpini bacteriene special selectate. Fiecare plic contine 7,5 miliarde de simbioti intestinali umani foarte activi, care se gasesc in intestinul uman si care se pot multiplica, avand rezistenta la sucurile gastrice.

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Omnibiotic Hetox Light, 30 plicuri, Institut AllergoSan
Omnibiotic Hetox Light, 30 plicuri, Institut AllergoSan